The Sensbalance Therapy Cushion is a conventional air-filled cushion with an integrated electronic sensor circuitry board, which connects to your own laptop or computer either via an USB cable or a optional Wireless connection. On the computer monitor direct visual feedback is provided about the exercises performed by pelvis and lower back. In this way users can easily correct and improve their exercising on the spot and see direct results on the screen. Exercising becomes much more effective and entertaining. Games will help to challenge the user even more.
Fully functional Basic Sensbalance Softwareis included, which consists of basic measurement & recording biofeedback software and 18 therapy- exercise games.
With the measurement & recording software the user learns to tilt the pelvis and to increase the mobility in the lower back. The user learns to use the intrinsic, deeper-laid tiny muscles around the lumbar spine instead of the global, superficial muscles. Step by step the software games are becoming increasingly challenging. It starts with simple linear movements to reach a target in one direction and progresses to linear movements in two directions or circular movements and evolves to exercises with multiple balls where movements in any direction are required with an continuously increased demand on control and coordination. While playing, core stability, small correctional movements, coordination and control are trained in a very challenging game environment. The Sensbalance Therapy Cushion can be used for problems in the pelvic area, regain control/feeling in the lower back and increase mobility, increase core stability, posture correction and posture control, and relaxation and concentration exercises.